Sports & adventure

iNGAME Tallinn escape games

iNGAME team offers an escape game with a purpose of finding your way out of a room, which is a new popular entertainment at the city centre of Tallinn.

The basic principle of the game is that teams of two to six people are locked in a room where they have one hour to find a way out.
Participating in the escape game requires attention and logical thinking skills.

With Tallinn Card €10 discount for one game.


TripAdvisor® Traveler Reviews

TripAdvisor logo tripadvisor rating 4.5 of 5

based on 216 reviews

  • Great experience

    tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
    September 1, 2024 By Laura K

    Nice experience for weekend. The room was well made and was just enough tricky. Worked well with only 2 people, but I imagine it could be better to have couple more of friends with you.

  • A captivating and slightly repetetive scavenger-hunt

    tripadvisor rating 4 of 5
    July 28, 2024 By Kirsti T

    It was never made clear what was unlocked when you completed a puzzle. Did you find the code to a lock and heard a sound? Great, now go pull on everything again to see if anything opened. Otherwise... Read more comments

  • Quite intense and super fun!

    tripadvisor rating 4 of 5
    July 26, 2024 By nygardmk

    Super fun! We went to two different rooms while in Tallinn, saw and indiana jones. We were a bit startled by the beginning of the Saw-escape room, but that made the experience even better. Some... Read more comments