The Tourism Department of the Tallinn Strategic Management Office’s Enterprise Services (hereinafter “Visit Tallinn” or “we”) places cookies onto your device when you visit our website
Our Cookie Policy describes what cookies are, how we use them, how third parties we collaborate with may use them and where to find more information on cookies.
A cookie is a small text file that a website places onto your computer or mobile device when you visit the website. It enables the website to remember your activities and preferences (e.g. favourites, language, font size and other display preferences) for a certain period of time. You then won’t need to set them again each time you return to the page.
When you visit our website we may save cookies on your browser. We use cookies for the following purposes: for certain online functions, to collect statistics, to remember your preferences and Favourites, for research and for displaying ads. We use permanent cookies for the following functions: to store information on things you set as favourites, your Tallinn Card shopping cart, research and your contrast preferences.
In addition to our own cookies, we may use third party cookies to collect statistics (e.g. Google Analytics), to display ads (Facebook Pixel) and to use online chats (
You may manage and/or remove cookies according to your preferences. You may erase all cookies used in your computer and change the settings in most browsers to prevent the use of cookies. In that case, you may, however, have to set certain preferences manually each time you return to a website and some services and functions may not work.