In case of an accident or sudden illness, call for an ambulance or the police free-of-charge from any phone by dialling 112.
For professional medical advice on minor health problems, you can also call the family physician helpline, tel. +372 634 6630 (counselling in English daily from 15:00-17:00, in Estonian and Russian 24/7).
Safety guidelines
Crime levels in Tallinn are low but take sensible precautions as you would elsewhere: be vigilant for pickpockets in crowded places, do not leave your belongings unattended, and drink in moderation.
If you do need to report a crime, you can do so by contacting the emergency number 112, submitting a written report in person to the nearest police authority, or by e-mail to the relevant prefecture. You can find the necessary forms and instructions on the webpage of the
Estonian Police and Border Guard Board.
When using taxis, prefer official service providers who have a licence from the city of Tallinn or use one of the many ridesharing apps available. Read more about taxi services from our
corresponding transport section.
Pharmacies are usually open from 10:00-19:00. Two of them stay open all night:
- City centre (Südameapteek): Tõnismägi 5, tel. +372 644 2282
- Lasnamägi (Südameapteek): Vikerlase 19, tel. +372 638 4338.
Pharmacies in shopping centres are usually open from 9:00-21:00.
Safety reflector
Estonia’s traffic laws require everyone to wear a luminous reflector (‘helkur’) on the right side of outer clothing at night or in conditions of poor visibility, particularly in winter.
A safety reflector is a small device that can be attached to any article of clothing. It is most commonly made from plastic or textile and is widely sold in different stores, kiosks and supermarkets in Estonia.
Tap water in Tallinn
Tap water is clean and safe to consume in Tallinn. From spring until autumn, public drinking water taps can be used in various locations around the city.