We are always delighted when journalists, bloggers, influencers, photographers and videographers are interested in featuring Tallinn in their publications. Though we would like to assist everyone with on-site research, we are limited in the ways we can collaborate.
Please note the following guidelines for a successful collaboration:
- Please contact us at least four weeks before your trip.
- All requests for media visits are assessed on an individual basis according to circulation, availability and budgets but priority is given to target media from our five core markets: Finland, Sweden, Latvia, UK, Norway and Germany.
- Digital influencers must have a significant following and engagement in one or more of our key markets and alignment with our target audiences.
- Your publication (feature/article/show) should be published within 12 months for journalists and 1 month after the visit for bloggers, influencers, photographers and videographers.
- We may ask you to present a letter of assignment from your editor indicating intent to publish the feature or article.
- We may ask freelancers to send us at least two articles that have been published within the last six months.
- We do not pay for travel costs to/from Tallinn or airport transfers.
- We do not pay for hotel accommodation for individual press visits. We can help you choose a hotel partner in Tallinn from whom you can request a press rate. The rate or a free-of-charge accommodation always depend on your publicaton medium and travel period and is at the discretion of our partner hotels.
- Our primary goal is to assist media who can provide editorial coverage of Tallinn as a travel destination and, as a general policy, we do not support the costs of family members and non-work-related guests.
We can help you with:
- Ideas for your itinerary
- Local contacts
- Visual material of Tallinn
- Statistics and reports
- Complimentary Tallinn Cards, which entitle free admission to more than 40 of the city’s top attractions and free public transport, if you agree to mention the card in your publication
- Professional and personal assistance
In return for our assistance, we request that you include a mention of Visittallinn.ee or #visittallinn within the resulting coverage.
Filming in Tallinn
In general, there is no need for filming permits in public areas of Tallinn. Members of the public should not be disturbed by the filming, and any protests must be respected. Please notify the
Tallinn Transport Department if filming in public areas restricts the movement of pedestrians or requires traffic arrangements.
Filming permission is required when filming on private land or property. Ask for permission from the land or property owner directly. Permission is also needed to film inside commercial venues or tourist attractions. Please request permission in advance from the venue or ask about it on the spot.
When using a drone for aerial filming, a special permit may be required. Please visit the website of the Estonian
Transport Administation for information regarding restricted areas and flight zones.