Osteria il Cru on sinu pass autentse Itaalia köögi südamesse.
Sisenedes leiad end keset Vahemere päikeselisest atmosfääri, mida sümboliseerib meie interjööris lopsakas oliivipuu – otsekui tükike Itaaliat siinsamas, Tallinna vanalinnas.
Osteria il Cru on koht, kus saab luua ja jagada mälestusi, naerda ja lihtsalt nautida head toitu heas seltskonnas.
Ela hetkes, armasta lõputult, söö südamest - just seda Osteria il Cru pakub!
põhineb 960 hinnangul
Were seated to a table next to stairwell. Horrible smell of sewer oozing down from the stairwell up to this table. No other table was available. We left.
We have a wonderful meal and some nice Chianti at this smart Italian restaurant in Tallinn’s old town and we’re treated to some excellent service by Meelika who should definitely bebe promoted from... Vaata veel
The food was really bad. They served tastless food and one of us got served raviolis with olive oil but it was canola oil as we taated it. We do not recommend to visit this restaurant even though... Vaata veel