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Foto: Senso
Foto: Senso

    Restoran Senso

    Restoran Senso põhifookuses on vahemereline ning kohalik menüüvalik. Lisaks à la carte menüüle, mis vahetub kaks korda aastas, on igakuiselt valikus ka uued peakoka eripakkumised. Restoranis on ka laste menüü.  Äripäeviti alates 6.30 (nädalavahetustel alates 7.00) võivad külalised nautida laia valikuga Super Breakfast hommikusööki. Igal äripäeval kell 12–15 pakume ärilõunat. Gruppidele on erimenüüd ja ürituste tarbeks pakume privaatsete banketisaalide kasutamist.

    TripAdvisori® hinnangud ja arvustused

    TripAdvisor logo tripadvisor rating 3.9 of 5

    põhineb 95 hinnangul

    • Good

      tripadvisor rating 4 of 5
      veebruar 8, 2025 Autor: 773nicholasn

      I had the beef tartar. It was ok but a bit small for the price. There was also no toasted bread included in the dish. For dessert I had the chocolate fondant which was really good.

    • Good experience

      tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
      aprill 26, 2024 Autor: Sven R

      We visited to a restaurant with our family, everything was good and the food was delicious . We will definitely be back for brunch soon!

    • Slow service asked 2 times on now the burger should be cooked

      tripadvisor rating 1 of 5
      veebruar 27, 2024 Autor: 426eddiem

      Beer was good Burger was not cooked well The bun was soaked and not crispy Burger should be well done it was medium Fries were not crunchy