Foto: Nordic Hotel Forum
Foto: Nordic Hotel Forum

    Nordic Hotel Forum

    Modernne nelja tärni superior taseme äri- ja konverentsihotell Nordic Hotel Forum ootab Teid Tallinna linna südames!

    Kõik hotellitoad on avarad ning elegantselt sisustatud ja pakuvad mugavust ka kõige nõudlikumale külalisele. Hotelli 8. korrusel asub uhke vaatega lõõgastuskeskus. Teie käsutuses on sisebassein, mullivann, leili- ja aurusaun. Täisvarustusega treeningruum on hotellis majutuvatele külalistele avatud koguni 24h.

    Hotelli esimesel korrusel ootab Teid restoran Noho ning õdusa kaminatulega lobby-baar. Restoran Noho põhifookuses on loodus, kohalik ja värske tooraine.


    TripAdvisori® hinnangud ja arvustused

    TripAdvisor logo tripadvisor rating 4.5 of 5

    põhineb 3037 hinnangul

    • Stay in the heart of Tallinn

      tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
      september 3, 2024 Autor: anufitz

      I have stayed at the Nordic Hotel Forum many times now and it’s my favorite hotel in Tallinn, having stayed in several. Friendly staff, really clean rooms, comfortable beds and pillows, complimentary... Vaata veel

    • Allmost excellent

      tripadvisor rating 4 of 5
      september 2, 2024 Autor: jennarantala

      The only downside was that the floor drain in the shower did not drain properly and water flooded the entire toilet. But the breakfast was great, the rooms clean and a great experience! We will be... Vaata veel

    • Centrally located hotel in Tallinn

      tripadvisor rating 4 of 5
      september 1, 2024 Autor: Lord_Varys

      Poker trip with fellow poker mates. Central location in Tallinn was good, and getting to room and back was easy. Breakfast was quite good. Rooms were pretty average with small (twin) beds, shower and... Vaata veel