Foto: Sigmund Freud Bar
Foto: Sigmund Freud Bar

    Sigmund Freud Bar

    See kuulsa psühhiaatri järgi nime saanud Tallinna lokaal rikastab linna baarimaastikku ja on ideaalne koht, et turgutada oma ego või siis lihtsalt niisama mõnusalt aega veeta. Osavad ja talendikad baarmenid segavad sulle soovi korral kas mõne uue ja trendika kokteili või hoopis teed valiku klassikute hulgast. Mõnusa kokteili kõrvale saad ka maitsva suupiste.  Iga kokteilifänni lemmikkoht!

    TripAdvisori® hinnangud ja arvustused

    TripAdvisor logo tripadvisor rating 4.5 of 5

    põhineb 163 hinnangul

    • Horrible

      tripadvisor rating 1 of 5
      juuli 20, 2024 Autor: Aire S

      Horrible service! Super rude waitress, was kicking my chair and told us to move-she herself seated us. Gave feedback to the “manager” but was totally ignored. Would not recommend! Disappointed

    • Interesting Concept

      tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
      jaanuar 15, 2024 Autor: Gaia O

      We ended up there a bit by chance, we didn't google it beforehand. It was a quiet Sunday night, so it wasn't crowded. We sat at the counter and we were greeted and handed the menus immediately. It... Vaata veel

    • The worst attitude to guests ever!

      tripadvisor rating 1 of 5
      jaanuar 11, 2024 Autor: igorg723

      The worst bar ever! why? When we just tried to enter, barman said u can’t enter because we are not open( it was 18.48, 12 min before opening) but all doors were wide opened! Rude and the worst... Vaata veel