Kirikule annavad ajaloolist väärtust sissekäikude kohal olevad mosaiikpannood. Kiriku tornides asub 11 kellast koosnev kirikukellade ansambel, mille seas on ka Tallinna suurim, 15 tonni kaaluv kell.
põhineb 3609 hinnangul
Beautiful church and architecture here. The surrounding areas are lovely to stroll around. Wee cobblestoned lanes. There are parks and the castle here as well.
Big and beautiful church. Entrance is free. But no photography allowed. Silence to be observed in the hall. The interior is well decorated with paintings.
Definitely worth a visit, very impressive church and it’s free to go inside although you have to be respectful and can’t take any photos or videos inside. Head there earlier in the morning around... Vaata veel