Muuseumid ja vaatamisväärsused

Mustpeade maja

Mustpeade maja on üks vanimaid ja nooblimaid hoonekomplekse Tallinna vanalinnas. Kõige väärtuslikumad ruumid on Valge saal (1532), mis on esimene renessansi stiilis ehitatud saal Tallinnas, ja hilisgooti stiilis Olavi saal (1422). 
Tallinna kunagiste kaupmeeste ja käsitööliste ühenduste ajaloolises kogunemiskohas pakub Mustpeade maja erinevaid ruume vastuvõttude, firmapidude, konverentside jt ürituste korraldamiseks.

Kultuurimälestiste riiklik register


TripAdvisori® hinnangud ja arvustused

TripAdvisor logo tripadvisor rating 4.0 of 5

põhineb 109 hinnangul

  • Poor use of time

    tripadvisor rating 2 of 5
    detsember 11, 2024 Autor: Philip L

    Apart from a couple of open spaced rooms there was nothing to really see or read about. The upstairs was not accessible so very little to see.

  • House with History

    tripadvisor rating 4 of 5
    august 29, 2023 Autor: chrissieb94

    This building is the former headquarters of the Brotherhood of the Blackheads. Back in history they were ship owners and merchants during the Middle Ages. They were also in Latvia. They fled to... Vaata veel

  • Old place

    tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
    juuni 13, 2023 Autor: Flyingboy58

    This building looks real real old. I love old places. The door is pretty amazing. I wouldn’t have know about this except for TripAdvisor and it’s a short walk from the main square. Real nice.